... i.e. bloggers who are famous in the blogosphere.
There are different universes within it; my pluto-sized planet of blog rotates around the sun that tends to shines out visual/graphic/photographic/fashion/textile/travel/designy/ making stuff kind of stuff.
Some people write more specialized and regularly which may capture interest and gain popularity. I don't know much about increasing traffic etc. Anyway, one of the first things I did this morning was have a quick glance on the guardian website, as I do on quiet midweek mornings and BOOM the most viewed article on this website in the last 24 hours is
about a 13-year-old fashion blogger, yup that's her below with nobody less than Yohji Yamamoto.
Tavi with Yohji Yamamoto. Photograph: Jemal Countess/ Getty Images for Y-3 from guardian.co.uk Seriously. Now popping up all over the 'fashun' world, it's insane. TBH she is insanely good, yes, very dedicated and waaaay beyond her age. But I am instantly worried that she will be hooked on coke by the time she is 14 like Drew Barrymore (only she was 12) partying in fashiony NY. And she looks innocent and fragile like a little elf. Click
here for the Tavi's blog. Aw. And awe.
These images above are from an "old" blog fave of mine who mysteriously stopped posting last year without any warning, explanation or good-bye. The blog still exists
here. She did recently get a pet pig (arrr) and also married, so maybe a change in lifestyle has occurred but I was so sad that a googled it and saw other people discussing the disappearance of Agathe. And nobody knows. Her blog is personal, stylish but relaxed and I do love her Scandinavian way of combining vintage designer/customised thrift store worn with H&M. Check out those shades?! Oh mama.

And then there's a non-blogging 'Yakooo' with noticable internet presence; as her press folder on
her flickr profile containing 20 images reflect. The most recent, and so far most important, feature was on the MTV website. I came across her featuring on
etsy; her chain necklace grabbed my attention, which isn't surprising; it's farking amazing. So different. May attempt one at my knitting circle, may just etsy-buy one.
Not too long ago I also got an e-mail from the MFN (Manchester Fashion Network) inviting me to an evening to discuss "the power of the blog". It was in London, so I couldn't go. But yes, the power of the blog. And the power of internet in fashion in general, I guess. The power? Yeah maybe, the possibilities interest me more, I'm not that into power.